“A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside. When a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time.”
An immersive experience to enhance the emotional connection between parents and their baby! Our advanced 4D imaging provides a more life-like and memorable view of the your developing baby, creating a special and cherished moment for soon-to-be-parents!
2D Sneak Peek
5 to 10 min 2D Ultrasound Experience
Gender Determination
Hear Heart Beat
4 Glossy Prints
Approx. 10 Images Instantly Emailed
Watch on Large HD Screen
Experienced Sonographer (RDMS)
Children & Family Welcome
13 week minimum
Twins/Triplets $25 Extra
$5 Military Discount
$5 Off Return Visit w Same Pregnancy (No Military discount for Return Visits)
4d Baby Bond Peek
Recommended 13 - 32 Weeks
15 min 4D/HD-Live (5D), 3D, 2D Ultrasound Session
Video Recording of Session (BabyFlix)
Gender Determination
8 Color Glossy Prints
Approx. 30 Images Instantly Emailed
Hear Baby's Heart Beat
Watch on Large HD Screen
Experienced Sonographer (RDMS)
Children & Family Welcome
Twins/Triplets $25 Extra
$10 Military Discount
$10 Off Return Visit w Same Pregnancy (No Military discount for Return Visits)
4d Baby Bond Growth
25 min 4D/HD-Live (5D)/3D/2D Ultrasound Session
Fetal measurements including age, due date and weight
Gender Determination
4 Glossy Color 8x12 sheets of multi-sized pics
Approx. 80 Images Instantly Emailed
Hear Baby's Heart Beat
Video Recording of Session (Babyflix)
Watch on Large HD Screen
Experienced Sonographer (RDMS)
Children & Family Welcome
Twins/Triplets $25 Extra
$15 Military Discount
$10 Off Return Visit w Same Pregnancy (No Military discount for Return Visits)
* Free Return Visit if baby is not cooperating
4d Sneak Peek
Recommended 13 - 20 Weeks
Gender Determination
5 to 10 min 4D/HD-Live (5D), 3D, 2D Ultrasound Session
Hear Heart Beat
6 Color Glossy Prints
Approx. 10 Images Instantly Emailed
Watch on Large HD Screen
Experienced Sonographer (RDMS)
Children & Family Welcome
Twins/Triplets $25 Extra
$5 Military Discount
$5 Off Return Visit w Same Pregnancy (No Military discount for Return Visits)
4d Baby Bond
Recommended 25 - 35 Weeks
25 min 4D/HD-Live (5D), 3D, 2D Ultrasound Session
Video Recording of Session (BabyFlix)
Gender Determination
4 Glossy Color 8x12 sheets of multi-sized pics
Approx. 60 Images Instantly Emailed
Hear Baby's Heart Beat
Watch on Large HD Screen
Experienced Sonographer (RDMS)
Children & Family Welcome
Twins/Triplets $25 Extra
$10 Military Discount
$10 Off Return Visit w Same Pregnancy (No Military discount for Return Visits)
*Free Return Visit if baby is not cooperating
3 Visit Baby Bond
First Visit : 4D Sneak Peek (Best 13 - 20 weeks)
Second Visit : 4D Baby Bond Peek (Best 20 - 26 weeks)
Third Visit : 4D Baby Bond (Best 27 - 34 weeks)
Gift Cards
Free Re-Scan
At Sonohealth, we make every effort to provide the best fetal pictures available. Our experienced Sonographers, state-of-the-art
ultrasound imaging systems & imaging techniques ensure the best possible images. Factors that may make getting a clear picture
difficult would be fetal position, low amniotic fluid levels, where the placenta is located, and mom’s body type. * For our premium
packages, we allow one free courtesy return to be scheduled within 2 weeks of original appointment if your baby is facing your spine
during the duration of your study or if gender could not be determined. Please keep in mind we are viewing your baby in their natural
environment & no courtesy visits for a sleeping baby or for a baby with hands, feet, cord, or placenta in front of its face.
Gender or Surprise
We can accurately determine gender for interested parents. Gender Reveal Party? We can place a gender pic in an envelope for later surprise. If NO gender, no problem. We’ll just stay away from area! Just let us know.
Online Streaming
Sharing your ultrasound has never been easier! Sonohealth has partnered with BabyFlix to provide parents with online streaming of their baby’s ultrasound! With BabyFlix, your ultrasound session will be emailed and texted to your phone, allowing you to instantly share your ultrasound with family and friends! Text a video of your scan, post to Instagram, Facebook & more!
Cash Pay Medical Ultrasound
Diagnostic study with Radiologist Report
5 - 11 weeks
5 - 11 weeks
During the first trimester of pregnancy, a sonogram can provide a magical glimpse into the early stages of development. Typically performed between weeks 5 to 11, this imaging procedure captures a detailed view of the tiny life growing inside the mother's womb. This sonogram evaluates the gestational sac, yolk sac, and the embryo. At this stage, the heartbeat of the embryo may also be detected, resembling a fluttering motion on the monitor. As the sonographer guides the transducer over the lower abdomen or by a transvaginal approach, this exam may confirm the presence of a viable pregnancy, crucial information regarding the baby's due date and overall health. It lays the foundation for prenatal care and monitoring throughout the pregnancy, ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the developing fetus.
Exams come with Radiologist Report sent to your provider. Complimentary 4D/3D & 2D imaging of your baby, 8 Color Glossy Prints & non-diagnostic baby images are emailed to you.
11.2 – 14.1 weeks
11.2 – 14.1 weeks
The Nuchal Translucency is a fluid filled space located behind the fetal neck and its thickness may be an indicator of chromosomal issues with the fetus such as Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18. At Sonohealth, our NT scans are first trimester anatomy evaluations that look at structures such as the brain, stomach, urinary bladder, umbilical cord and limbs. Exams come with Radiologist Report sent to your provider.
Optional Keepsake Special available for $10 that includes 4D/3D & 2D recording of your baby, 8 Color Glossy Prints & non-diagnostic baby images emailed. Gender may be determined during the exam, picture put in envelope for gender reveal, or completely avoided for interested parents.
18 – 40 weeks
FETAL ANATOMY SONOGRAM $280 ($380 for Multiples)
18 – 22 weeks
Our Complete Detailed Anatomical Scans are studies evaluating the structures of your baby's brain, heart, spine, internal organs, limbs, umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid. Cervical evaluations are generally performed using endovaginal imaging to ensure the clearest images possible. Exams come with Radiologist Report sent to your provider.
Optional Keepsake Special available for $10 that includes 4D/3D & 2D recording of your baby, 8 Color Glossy Prints & non-diagnostic baby images emailed. Gender may be determined during the exam, picture put in envelope for gender reveal, or completely avoided for interested parents.
BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE SONOGRAM $240 ($340 for Multiples)
A Biophysical Profile Ultrasound assesses various aspects of fetal well-being during pregnancy. It typically checks for:
Fetal movements: The ultrasound evaluates the baby’s movements to ensure normal activity levels, which is indicative of a healthy nervous system.
Fetal tone: It assesses the baby’s muscle tone, looking for signs of hypotonia (low muscle tone) or hypertonia (high muscle tone).
Amniotic fluid volume: The ultrasound measures the amount of amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. Adequate levels are necessary for fetal development and movement.
Fetal breathing movements: It observes the baby’s respiratory movements, which indicate proper functioning of the respiratory system.
Fetal heart rate: The ultrasound monitors the baby’s heart rate to ensure it falls within the normal range and responds appropriately to stimuli.
Exams come with Radiologist Report sent to your provider.
Optional Keepsake Special available for $10 that includes 4D/3D & 2D recording of your baby, 8 Color Glossy Prints & non-diagnostic baby images emailed. Gender may be determined during the exam, picture put in envelope for gender reveal, or completely avoided for interested parents.
Prices listed are based on payment in full at time of service. Sonohealth does not submit claims to insurance for studies paid at time of service. Sonohealth is contracted with many insurance carriers and is required to submit claims based upon contractual plan agreements with each insurance company and does not reflect our payment at time of service fee schedule. All plan deductibles and co-payments/co-insurance will apply as outlined and are determined by by individual insurance plan. Co-payments/co-insurance and unmet deductibles may be required at the time of visit. Deductibles and Co-payments may not be reduced or waved. For additional services please click here.